14 comments on “Iron Leg Digital Trip #2 – The Freaked Out Mind Blowing Scene of Right Now!

  1. Yay Monktime! Finally it’s here! Larry I’m surprised that your didn’t throw on The Leaves “Hey Joe” for publicity’s sake (and in honour of your neighbour’s)especially now that you’ve gone all environ-mental-ist and become a wily pro-leaf bureaucrat.

    Man, i can’t wait to get home and check this out! Curse the firewall!

  2. big fan of the guitar break on Ben Franklin’s, it amazes me how tuff that tarck comes across compared to their other lightweight output. I used to work with a woman who went out with one of the Shames in 66, she had some funny stories.

    Also, how can you go wrong with the Music Machine? Some good writeups and interviews in the recent issues of Ugly Things.

  3. …again, I’m kind of glad I live in an apartment. The leaves are someone else’s responsibility around here!
    It was a pleasure to see you as well. I always learn something new when I come up to the ol’ bowling center. I hope the DVDs play okay.
    As always, thanks for the share, and for the Lou Courtney 45.

  4. Tremendous stuff 🙂 ! Especially love the Strangeloves & Guilloteens tracks. The Burger King sure had some great taste in music from what i’ve happened upon. Heard he was a big fan of The Statesmen (who have incredibly hard to find material i’ve discovered) but i DID happen to come across a few in my initial searching (hopefully these are the same “Statesmen” worthy of Elvis’ love though) and in particular “Rampage” is quite frankly one of my all time favourite instrumentals. This booming benny-fuelled saxophone shucking along with this mental pianist, with what must be some manner of tourette’s, is just priceless!

    If you have any of these guys buried deep in some crates maybe you would be so ever gracious to upload a track or two sometime? Geez, I’m full of the requests as of late… Thanks for the music, dude!

  5. Nice Ones, Larry, thanks a lot for lighten up may day.

    (SFF database says that the Sidekicks were from New Jersey, their track has been comped – as the British Walkers’ track – on tape Delusions Of Grandeur #1)

    ciao from Milano

    PS. check out my site at http://michaelvee.livejournal.com

  6. Thanks guys!

    It’s no coincidence that both of those tracks appeard on the same comp. Believe it or not, I put out those ‘Delusions of Grandeur’ cassettes back in the 80’s. I can’t imagine that more than 50 copies of each got out (probably a lot less), and I was shocked to see them listed in that comp database.

  7. For the record…..

    The Guilloteens actually recorded 2 singles for Columbia. They are:

    43852 Wild Child/You Think You’re Happy (1966)
    44089 I Love That Girl/Dear Mrs. Appletree (1967)

    I’ve had both at various times and I can tell you that “Wild Child” is the better of the two. Of course, my favorite Guilloteens 45 of all time is “I Sit and Cry”/”Crying All Over My Time” on HBR. If you haven’t heard that, check it out sometime…..that is, if you can find it.

    Great stuff on the mix, there, Larry, as usual.

  8. Brian
    Thanks for the info. I actually have two copies of ‘Wild Child’ but I’ve never seen that second 45. I have two of the HBR 45s but not the one you mention. Time to start looking.

  9. Hey Larry

    … since years, I try to get my hands on those famous tapes (Delusions) and actually it’s strange that SfS-databasa lists it since Menachem Turchnik doesn’t consider bootlegs and “private” comps… how about posting them…? do you still have some copies…? would be much appreciated!


  10. Michael
    I don’t think I have any of those tapes around, but I still have all the records I used on them, so keep watching this space and you’ll eventually see them all.

  11. Pingback: The Lime - Love a Go Go « Iron Leg

  12. yo conocia una sola canción the Lime y un poco mas a music machine y aqui en esta zona he podido conocer otras rarezas. gracias. desde chile.

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